Some call it scribing, others live-doodling or just plain old sketch-ercising… but however you cut it, drawing is a great way to capture not just the content of an event or company gathering but also the atmosphere, asides and other moments that might otherwise be lost amongst all the ruthlessly organised chaos.
Whether beavering away all day at the INSPIRE workshops (see video below) and here, or prowling the conference tables of Curo‘s 3rd birthday bash, our cartoon illustrations, speaker caricatures and quick, visual gags really add to the atmosphere of the day whilst giving the client something to hang on the wall afterwards. All images can be scanned, edited and comped together ready to be printed or used for website and social media surrounding the event.
We’ve also created internal company presentations in this style and a company history graphic for the walls of Bath business Epoch Wealth Management. Covid tried to mess with all this ‘live drawing’ nonsense, but this simply meant working live on zoom meetings or working up content graphics from recorded videos of presentations, event panels or Q&As – most recently for the Newcastle University ‘digital/social justice’ project Not Equal and the Creatures project run in part by Sussex University (see below).
There are lots of different ways to capitalise on the value of our pens (not to mention our pencils…). If you’re curious to find out how all this drawing nonsense can work for you and your business, why ever not give us a shout…

Above: At the annual company meeting of Eduserv (a local tech company) there were precisely 2 English hours available to draw as much as humanely possible. Above is the image after comping and pruning in photoshop (click to view more closely).
Above: The final layout from Curo’s 3rd birthday bash
Below: A framed print of Stephen Fear’s illustrated talk – a great way to say thanks!…
Below: A few highlights from Inspire 2015
Below: Highlights from Inspire 2017 click here to see more
Below: Images from ENGAGEMENT 2017
Above: A company story commission for Epoch Wealth Management
Above: Dr Genevieve Lively’s talk from the DEFRA Net-Zero Carbon Futures workshop