2DO Before I Die

The bar-chat brainspawn of Chris Day and Michael Ogden, 2DO Before I Die began life as a community website & user-generated blog designed to help people record & share the pursuit of personal ambitions both huge and tiny. A non-fiction book followed (which Chris also designed & co-authored) featuring contributed stories from both established writers and those experiencing their first time in print. Published in the US & UK back in 2005 by Time Warner, the book has since been translated into eight languages. International press included radio interviews on NPR and BBC, features in Metro and Men’s Journal and a TV interview on Channel 5 NewsClick here to view the kindle version on Amazon UK and check out the reader reviews…

To help promote the book, we edited the blog to showcase a number of  contributors providing regular updates to the pursuit of their own goals. These included ‘Writing my first screenplay’, ‘Quitting smoking’ and ‘Conquering my fear of public nudity’



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